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Tips & Techniques...

Below are our articles on the subject of Tips & Techniques. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Entering a Competition-Understanding the Judges
Entering a Competition-Understanding the Judges
When somebody stands between a comper and their prize, it pays to understand them and treat them with both respect and kid gloves....
Finding the Competitions
Finding the Competitions
Competitions are everywhere, from bank counters to across the World Wide Web, but the art of finding the good ones can be a skill in itself....
Increasing Your Chances
Increasing Your Chances
Dropping their competition entries into the post-box and praying is not enough for most compers, they will try any methods to increase their chances of winning the big…...
Playing & Winning Premium Bonds
Playing & Winning Premium Bonds
With almost 40% of the population playing the lottery investment where savers win monthly tax-free cash prizes rather than earn interest, premium bonds are certainly…...
Research Wins Competitions
Research Wins Competitions
Advice on how to research competitions to improve the chances of winning....
Tips & Advice on Getting Help With Competition Entries
Tips & Advice on Getting Help With Competition Entries
As much as it is about the pursuit of prizes, comping is also a social hobby that provides opportunities for compers looking for help in their quest for success....
Tips for Appearing on TV and Radio Quiz Shows
Tips for Appearing on TV and Radio Quiz Shows
Television or radio quiz shows may seem like the more exclusive end of the competition spectrum but appearing on air is actually a lot easier than you might think....
Top Tips for Winning Poetry Competitions
Top Tips for Winning Poetry Competitions
Here are some top tips on writing, entering and winning poetry competitions, and how to enjoy the process of writing effective poems....
Winning Techniques
Winning Techniques
Winning competitions regularly is not at all down to chance, there are techniques involved that set the seasoned winners apart from the unlucky herd....